In my previous post I have explained you how I set up my game window. I had set the car also. Now I want to add enemies. For that I want to add the enemy cars first. Using the statement,
I also added the energy symbols also in the above method. Now I want to display them in the screen. For that I use a random function and that’s why I imported random.
for i in range(15):
The above code creates a list that has the enemy cars in random positions. I also set another list of energy symbols in the same way.
screen.blit(road, [0,0])
The above code is used to display the road image in the position x=0 and y=0 in the screen.
screen.blit(car, [x_coord,y_coord])
This code is used to display the car in the middle bottom of the screen.
if enemies[i][1] > 480:
This code helps to redraw the enemies/energy from the top of the screen when they hit the car. So that the user gets a nice feeling that he hit the objects.
Now we want to calculate the score by recognizing the hits. The below code is used for that.
if carrect.collidepoint(enemies[i][0], enemies[i][1]):
score = score – 3
We can also play some music in background or play music when objects hits.
enemyhit = pygame.mixer.Sound("hit.wav")
The above code is used for that purpose.
We can also display the scoreboard that updates lively.
screen.blit(scoreboard.render("Score " + str(score) , 4, (255,255,255)) , [40,40])
The above code is used for that. The score is printed in white color (that’s why the RGB code 255,255,255 is passed as a parameter). The 40,40 is the position where the score is to be displayed.
We can further include some more actions to reduce the bugs. We can include a sys.exit() to close the window when the user click on the close button of game. We can also set the conditions where the user wins or loses the game.
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